Doa Keluar Rumah: Mengawali Setiap Perjalanan dengan Berkah dari Allah

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Muslims believe that everything in life is governed by Allah, including the safety and success of our journeys. As such, we should always start our travels with a prayer, or “doa”, to seek Allah’s blessings and protection. This is especially true when we leave our homes, as it is the place where we seek shelter and security. Below is a guide to the doa keluar rumah, and the significance behind each phrase.

The Significance of Doa Keluar Rumah

The doa keluar rumah is a simple yet powerful prayer that we should recite before leaving our homes. The doa is a reminder of our dependence on Allah, and serves as a protection against any harm or danger that may come our way. It is also a way to seek Allah’s blessings for our journey, and to ask Him to guide us towards the straight path.

The Doa Keluar Rumah

“Bismillah, tawakkaltu ‘alallah, wa laa haula wa laa quwwata illa billah”

The doa keluar rumah is a short prayer that consists of four phrases. The first phrase is “Bismillah”, which means “in the name of Allah”. This phrase is a way to acknowledge that everything we do is for the sake of Allah, and that we seek His guidance and blessings in all our endeavors.

The second phrase is “tawakkaltu ‘alallah”, which means “I put my trust in Allah”. This phrase is a reminder to ourselves that we should always rely on Allah for protection and success, and not on our own abilities.

The third phrase is “wa laa haula wa laa quwwata illa billah”, which means “there is no power or strength except with Allah”. This phrase is a reminder that Allah is the ultimate source of power and strength, and that we should always turn to Him for help and guidance.

The final phrase is “Allahumma inni a’udhu bika an adhillah aw udhallah, aw azillah aw uzalllah, aw ajhala aw yujhala ‘alayya”, which means “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from going astray or being led astray, from slipping or being caused to slip, from being humiliated or humiliating others, and from being ignorant or causing ignorance.”

The Benefits of Reciting Doa Keluar Rumah

Reciting the doa keluar rumah before leaving our homes has numerous benefits. Firstly, it is a way to seek Allah’s blessings and protection for our journey. It is also a way to acknowledge our dependence on Allah, and to seek His guidance and help. Additionally, reciting the doa keluar rumah can help to calm our minds and ease our anxieties, as we put our trust in Allah to protect us from harm.

When to Recite Doa Keluar Rumah

The doa keluar rumah should be recited every time we leave our homes, whether it is for work, school, or any other reason. It is also recommended to recite the doa when embarking on a long journey, as it is a way to seek Allah’s blessings and protection for the entire trip.


In conclusion, the doa keluar rumah is an important prayer that every Muslim should recite before leaving their homes. It is a reminder of our dependence on Allah, and a way to seek His blessings and protection for our journey. By reciting this doa, we are acknowledging that everything we do is for the sake of Allah, and that we rely on Him for guidance and success.